Marcie "Mom" Glanzer Column: #39

Sunday, November 18, 2007

With Thanksgiving Day nearly upon us, I figured it was time to pay homage to this holiday which has basically turned into a precursor to the shopping season, instead of the day for which it was intended…a day to give thanks for all the bounty in our lives. As a youngster, I enjoyed Thanksgiving most for the chance to have a few days off from school. I never did care much for those parades, and didn’t like the football games that took over in the afternoon. I don’t care that much for turkey or cranberries, but the pumpkin pie more than makes up for the healthier fare. As I was cleaning out the old house this fall, I came upon a paper written by none other than Ryan Glanzer. I don’t know how old he was at the time, but I’m guessing about 10 or so. I got such a kick out of reading this, that I have to add it to this column. Here it is, word for word. (Even at that tender age, Ryan showed a gift for sarcasm and humor!)

“Our Thanks to Thanksgiving”
Marcie pulled the pies out of the oven early one morning. The fresh aroma of pumpkin pie sailed into father Glanzer’s bedroom and awoke father. He smelled his way to the kitchen to find his loving wife. Mother found father sitting in his easy chair…”Oh, Bunky, Love, do give thanks on this wonderful day, today,” Mother said. “Oh, I will give thanks,” replied the Glanzer’s loving father. Just then, Ryan, Jordan and Alex, three little angels, raced downstairs to see their loving family. “Good morning Father, tis a wonderful day!” said Jordan. “I know it is, now that you are here!” the caring father replied. Each took their turn at breakfast to say what they thought was best to give thanks for.

Alex went first…”I am thankful for the birds, to wake me on this morn.”

Jordan volunteered to go next…”I am thankful for the radish, for it’s color is so fine and delicate.”

Ryan went next…”Family, I am truly thankful for our love and care for each other. We all love each other, right,” answered Ryan.

Mother went next…”I’m (sniff) thankful for our skills. Husband, your strength, daughter, your scent…Ryan, your imagination…Alex, your violin skills…”

Father, with a tear in his eye, went last. “I’m thankful for the music…what is life without something to make you feel good about yourself? Alex, if you would?”

Alex took down his violin and the family sang..”Praise and thanksgiving, let everyone bring”…Yes, this truly would be a day to be thankful for.

Now, wasn’t that imaginative? Pretty good writing for a little kid, even though none of it was heartfelt or sincere. So, what am I thankful for this year? Let’s see…

(1.) I am thankful that Ryan only got thrown into the slammer once this year and that he seems to have learned a valuable lesson.

(2.) I am thankful that Alex has managed to land him a pretty nice gal and got a ring on her finger before she got to know our family too well and had time to bail out.

(3.) I am thankful that Jordan and Calvin are raising a fine family, soon to be growing from four to five, and that they live close enough to visit often, but far enough away to not visit too often!

(4.) I am thankful that Dick was as tired of being cold during the winter as I was and agreed to building a new house (and that he has taken his vows of “through richer and poorer” to heart and stayed with me for 27 years!)

(5.) I am thankful for no snowfall yet this year as I hate snow, freezing rain, blizzards and all winter related weather.

There is a lot more to be thankful for this year, but you get the idea. I’ve got it pretty good and any complaints I may have are pretty minor. So on that note, I will close this column for which all of you reading are surely thankful! Happy Turkey Day!

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About the "Mom Column"

There was a time a number of years ago when I wanted to feature dozens of columnists, and for a while, there were about ten or so. 

Derrick Geiszler, Kayla Laursen, and Nick Sandbulte each wrote a few good columns for the site, but Mom was there since the beginning and still is today.  (I must apologize though, as Geiszler has written a few recent columns that I have neglected to post for no reason other than laziness.)

Mom's columns have become very popular amongst female readers of the site.  Focusing on anything from her tips on leading a successful marriage to home improvement to what happened on HGTV, Mom has entertained and inspired many.  On more than one occasion, female friends of mine have commented that a Mom column either opened their eyes to a subject, or even changed their life altogether!

If you are a fan of my writing skills and wonder where they came from, look no further than Marcie Glanzer.  Not to say Dad isn't a good writer either, but I've never seen him write anything creative.

So let us bask in the writing stylings of my mail-carrying mother, Marcie Ann Glanzer.


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Ryan Trivia: My favorite Indian restaurant is India Palace in Eden Prairie.