Marcie "Mom" Glanzer Column

Last Updated 4/6/07

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A good sense of humor is a trait I admire, and I like to think that my ancestors have passed that down through the generations.  My grandpa, Clifford Bell, was definitely a funny guy and loved practical jokes and making people laugh.  His four kids, three boys and a girl, all carried on this tradition…I have mentioned in past columns about the humorous things my dad has done, such as squatting in his underwear with his reflection in full view of my visiting piano teacher and pouring red Kool-Aid down the back of an elderly woman (by accident of course!)..his older brother Don is always the life of a get- together, and these genes have surely made the passage from one generation to the next.  Just look at Ryan!

I’ve also written about my own love of things humorous and how, occasionally, something will strike me funny and I start laughing and pretty soon its uncontrollable laughter that goes on and on and on.  It used to be quite common when I was younger, maybe once a week or so that this would occur.  My dad would say “she’s going into hysterics again” It didn’t have to be anything particularly funny, just some random thing would set me off and I was a goner.   It didn’t matter if I was in church, school, bed; whenever it struck I was helpless to stop.  As the years go by, these hysterical outbreaks have become fewer and farther between, but they do happen once in a while. 

Well, last night, Dick and I were lying in bed and he had the “Red Green” show on…for those of you who haven’t heard of this, it’s on PBS and it can be funny at times.  Dick likes to flip back and forth between it and the local news.  Anyway, this was between 10:00 and 10:30 PM, and for some reason I said to Dick, “you should have your own show but instead of the “Red Green” show it would be called “-------“ (I’m not going to fill that part in, suffice it to say it was stupid), but it struck me as funny and I began to laugh and it turned into one of those historic, hysterical, maniacal, fits that I hadn’t had in God knows how long.  I laughed, snorted, gasped…you name it, this was a full blown scream-fest which took me at least ten minutes to get under control, still wiping my eyes and chuckling.  It seems somehow fitting then, that I should at that moment get a phone call saying my dad had passed away, between 10:00 and 10:30.  It may sound irreverent, but if I asked him if he’d rather have me bawling or laughing, I know which he’d have chosen. 

Dad (Gene Bell) had been battling cancer for 5 years and the last few months haven’t been good ones for him.  After being poked and prodded with needles, medicine, chemotherapy and all the other nasty things

that go along with this disease, he decided a few days ago not continue any treatments.  On Wednesday, the doctors took him off all the IVs and the ambulance transferred him to a hospital closer to home, Thursday night he died. 

After the phone call, it occurred to me that I had been laughing while he was taking his last breaths and Dick said, “Well, he always liked a good laugh”…which is true. I can about imagine him up there telling jokes and trying to get the Pope to “pull his finger”! That Bell humor is sure to keep going strong, we’ve got a whole new generation to pass it along to now. Great granddaughter, Peyton, is already learning the art of the knock-knock joke.  OK…she only knows one, but you’ve got to start somewhere!   We’ll make sure the next generations keep that humor “gene” alive and well!

Gene Bell and Emerson Krogman


Ryan Trivia: My favorite beer is Anheuser World Select, which is tough to find 'round these parts.